Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 2012 tax compliance calendar

Doeren Mayhew

February 2012 tax compliance calendar

As an individual or business, it is your responsibility to be aware of and to meet your tax filing/reporting deadlines. This calendar summarizes important tax reporting and filing data for individuals, businesses and other taxpayers for the month of February 2012.

February 1

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates January 25-27.

February 3

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates January 28-31.

February 8

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 1-3.

February 10

Employees who work for tips. Employees who received $20 or more in tips during November must report them to their employer using Form 4070.

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 4-7.

February 15

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 8-10.

Monthly depositors. Monthly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payments in January.

February 17

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 11-14.

February 23

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 15-17.

February 24

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 18-21.

February 29

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 22-24.

March 2

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 25-28.

March 7

Employers. Semi-weekly depositors must deposit employment taxes for payroll dates February 29-March 2.

If and only to the extent that this publication contains contributions from tax professionals who are subject to the rules of professional conduct set forth in Circular 230, as promulgated by the United States Department of the Treasury, the publisher, on behalf of those contributors, hereby states that any U.S. federal tax advice that is contained in such contributions was not intended or written to be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer by the Internal Revenue Service, and it cannot be used by any taxpayer for such purpose.

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